Online Singmandala

Nächster Termin:
to be announced

Together we dive two hours into singing mantras and power songs and connect with our heart through our voice.
Each for themselves and yet all together.

🌸Because over Zoom you'll hear only my voice and no one will hear you (all participants are on mute), you have the opportunity to focus completely on yourself. To feel your very own essence.
🌸At the same time we are connected with each other. Even if we do not hear the common sound carpet with our physical ears, even if we are physically in separate rooms, we will be energetically very close to each other during these two hours and we will weave a light-filled web with our voices.

Kosten: 22 CHF/€ (Twint, Paypal oder Überweisung)

Anmeldung: per E-Mail / Kontaktformular

🤗 I'm looking forward to having you!