Do you like listening to music during your yoga practice? Do you also enjoy silence from time to time?
Yoga with live music can open up a new dimension to your yoga practice. Live, the frequencies of the music are transported even more intensely than with a recording.
I choose the mantras and medicine songs sensitively during the lesson by letting my guides and my intuition lead me. The energies that flow through me during the chanting support you exactly where you need it.
Experience and feel yourself through your body while practising yoga. Let yourself be carried and held by the sounds.

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You are a yoga teacher
and want to co-create a yoga lesson with live music?
For me, the minimum duration of a yoga class with live music is 1.5 hours, ideally 2 hours. This is the only way that participants can really get into the energetic, musical practice and go deep.
I accompany the yoga classes intuitively. This means that I listen to the impulses of my soul and my guides. This means that exactly the energies that the participants need at the moment flow.
My repertoire of songs consists of almost 200 mantras, medicine songs and my own compositions. I accompany these with guitar, Indian harmonium, shamanic drum or Tibetan singing bowl.
Contact me for more informations. Here you can find the pricings.