Live music at your online event
Do you offer an online course or are you planning an online event?
I would be happy to enrich your ‘digital’ live event with my music. Perhaps you would like to hear a live song at the beginning and end? Maybe you need several musical interludes during the event?
We can look together at what you need and what I can give you.
My music has a heart-opening effect and brings feelings into flow. I lovingly hold the space.
I accompany the sessions intuitively. This means that I listen to the impulses of my soul and my guides. This means that exactly the energies that the participants need at the moment flow.
My repertoire of songs consists of almost 200 mantras, medicine songs and my own compositions. I accompany these with guitar, Indian harmonium, shamanic drum or Tibetan singing bowl.
If you have specific song requests, we can look at them together. If they feel right, I'd be happy to rehearse them.
Technical data: I am equipped with a good webcam and professional recording microphone so that my music is transmitted in the highest quality from PC to PC and thus from person to person :-).

Contact me for more informations.
Nächste Online Events:
8. August 2024
Mit wem: Heilmedium Tabea Keil & friends
Wann: 20:00 Uhr
Where: über Zoom
Was: Zum Löwentor feiern wir gemeinsam die (Selbst) Liebe, ein liebevolles Miteinander und unsere Multidimensionalität. Sängerin Glenda Laila öffnet dein Herz, Autorin und Künstlerin Constanze verzaubert dich mit ihren Gedichten, Laura – Expertin für mediale Kartenreadings – legt uns allen die Karten, Michaela – Expertin für Weiblichkeit – gibt Tipps zur Balance der weiblichen und männlichen Energie, Heilmedium Tabea Keil führt dich durch eine mediale Übung für Anfänger und zum Abschluss findet ein Gruppenhealing für alle statt
Price: kostenlos, Tabea feiert ihre 5-jährige Selbstständigkeit als Heilmedium