You are wonderfully luminous and tangible lively love
Your voice is your audible soul essence:
Lerne sie zu lieben, genauso wie sie ist – du wirst dich selbst neu kennen – und lieben lernen.
~Glenda Laila

Hello Love ๐Ÿ’›
Let me touch your heart, awaken your realm of emotions and remember you of your soul-essence with my voice.
Feel lovingly held and safe.
You are whole and right exactely as you are.
I am looking forward to meeting you!

About me and my work

I am Glenda Laila - human being, lover, singer, friend, companion, partner, daughter,... on a journey of discovery of life. My love of music has been with me all my life. Music is my companion, my healer, my teacher and my friend. Singing is my portal to my heart and to the hearts of others.

I have always felt that my sensitivity and my strong emotional world are a blessing - even in times when I felt they were a curse. The "spark of blessing" was constantly noticeable for me. Today, this gift not only helps me in my own development, but also in that of other people.
My singing is here to remind you of your emotional world, to support you in feeling your feelings, to bring your emotions into flow. My core task is to accompany people back to their hearts.

This was first and foremost part of my own journey, and it still is. Often our biggest learning tasks and "hurdles" in life are the ones that become our greatest strengths. They become our gift to other people. I can only share what I have experienced, am experiencing and feel myself. That's how I was first allowed to discover, perceive and gradually melt my own heart walls so that I can now lovingly see, hold and touch yours โค

For me, singing is an intimate encounter with myself. Whether you are a professional singer or an off-key singer, the sounds that resonate and vibrate through your own body are cleansing and at the same time grounding, connecting and opening. They can also soften inner resistance. Singing can be a portal to more self-love. Your own voice is also a mirror of your inner world.
Have you ever noticed that your voice sounds different depending on the day? When you sing, this becomes clearer and if you observe and feel it without judgment, it can help you to feel yourself more deeply.

What I share with you, I share with all my heart. As an eternal learner of life, what I pass on is also always changing. My work unfolds together with me, flowing in the wonderful change that is life.

My heartwish is to live a life, together as humankind, step by step, that is filled with togetherness, realness, connection, freedom, sovreignety and love.

May my music accompany you on your own journey, remind you of your own beauty and power, encourage you, let you feel your softness, let you express your truth, touch the vibrancy of your emotional world, gently melt your walls, and lovingly remind you of your light-filled essence.

I look forward to singing, laughing, crying, feeling, being... together!

With love
Glenda Laila