Glenda Laila
Heartfelt music that touches your soul
Sensitive, loving, rooted and free from the heart - that's me, that's my music.
The ingredients of my voice: my soul essence, my life experience and healing frequencies that work through me.
Feel lovingly held and protected by the sounds of my voice.
Let yourself be touched in your emotional world. Feel your wonderful essence.
You are welcome and right, just as you are.

Upcoming dates:

Freitag, 28. Februar – Winterthur
Heal & Rise Ritual
embodiment movement & voice activation
Sonntag, 16. März – Muhen AG
For you
My music is here to support you in feeling your emotions, to get your feelings flowing. To let you feel your heart and soul, to place where you come into your power..
What I share with you, I share with all my heart. As an eternal learner of life, what I pass on is always changing. My work unfolds together with me, flowing in the wonderful ever changing evolution that this life is.
My work is co-created and supported by my spirit team. Therefore my music is infused with my soul essence and simoultaniously I let myself be a channel.
My heart's desire is to live a life together as humanity, step by step, that is filled with togetherness, authenticity, connectedness, freedom, self-empowerment and love. I would like to contribute to this with my own development and with my music.
May my music accompany you on your own journey, hold you lovingly, give you security, remind you of your own beauty and power, encourage you, let you feel your softness, let you express your truth, touch the liveliness of your emotional world, and lovingly remind you of your light-filled essence.
I am looking forward to meeting you!
With love💛
Glenda Laila

You are wonderfully luminous and tangible lively love
Your voice is your audible soul essence:
Learn to love it just as it is - you will get to know and love yourself anew..
~Glenda Laila