About me

About me and my work

I am Glenda Laila - human being, lover, singer, friend, companion, partner, daughter,... on a journey of discovery of life. My love of music has been with me all my life. Music is my companion, my healer, my teacher and my friend. Singing is my portal to my heart and to the hearts of others.

I have always felt that my sensitivity and my strong emotional world are a blessing - even in times when I felt they were a curse. The "spark of blessing" was constantly noticeable for me. Today, this gift not only helps me in my own development, but also in that of other people.
Mein Gesang ist hier, um dich im Fühlen deiner Gefühle zu unterstützen, um deine Gefühle ins fliessen zu bringen. Dich dein Herz und deine Seele spüren zu lassen, dort wo du in deine Kraft kommst.

Dies war erstmals Teil meines eigenen Wegs, und ist es immer noch. Oft sind unsere grössten Lernaufgaben und „Hürden“ im Leben diejenigen, die zu unseren grössten Stärken werden. Sie werden zu unserem Geschenk an anderen Menschen. Ich kann nur das teilen, was ich selbst erlebt habe, erlebe und fühle. So durfte ich erst selber meine „Herzensmauern“ entdecken, wahrnehmen und nach und nach schmelzen, damit ich nun deine liebevoll sehen, halten und berühren darf. ❤

For me, singing is an intimate encounter with myself. Whether you are a professional singer or an off-key singer, the sounds that resonate and vibrate through your own body are cleansing and at the same time grounding, connecting and opening. They can also soften inner resistance. Singing can be a portal to more self-love. Your own voice is also a mirror of your inner world.
Have you ever noticed that your voice sounds different depending on the day? When you sing, this becomes clearer and if you observe and feel it without judgment, it can help you to feel yourself more deeply.

My story

Growing up in a musical family, I developed a passion for violin in my childhood. In my teenage years, this instrument took a back seat and I discovered my love for singing. The singing lessons I attended over the years had an incredible impact on me, not only musically but also in my personal development. I realized how music has a great therapeutic effect on me.
Out of the desire to accompany myself while singing, I found my way to the guitar. YouTube videos and some lessons helped me approaching this instrument. In the past years I was part of different bands, gained a lot of stage experience and grew musically as well.
Singing gave me confidence in my teens and allowed me to reveal and express my true self.
Through my high sensitivity I experience a huge range of deep and vivid emotions. Music helped me live and express them - like the quote says: "Music expresses that which cannot be said."

Later, I realized how singing cleanses me, grounds me, opens my heart, brings me back to my center and "opens my channels upwards". Singing is closely connected to the breath and so I felt the meditative power behind it, the connecting force between heaven and earth. When I began to explore spirituality, I discovered the wonderful effect of mantras and power songs through yoga.
By chanting mantras, my love for harmonium also awakened. During my four-month stay in India, I dove deeply into devotion to mantras and harmonium. This was a life-changing experience for me. By chanting the sacred songs and melodies for hours every day, a great heart opening happened. India gave me back my long-awaited basic trust.

After immersing myself in the Indian way of life, back in Switzerland I discovered shamanism. This is also how I found a beautiful drum, to whose heart-opening sound I love to sing powerful songs and experiment with soul singing. I often take it with me when I spend time in nature.

Seit einiger Zeit beschäftige ich mich intensiv mit meiner Medialität und alles was es mit sich bringt, inklusive eine tiefere Zusammenarbeit mit der geistigen Welt.

Ich sehe meinen Weg darin, zwischen den verschiedenen Kulturen und Traditionen zu fliessen und daraus meine eigene Essenz zu entdecken und zum Ausdruck zu bringen.

Wie ich die Welt sehe

In our intellectual world, it is now time to return to our hearts. Our feelings play an important role in this. Our feelings are our human superpower!
We have suppressed and judged them for long enough. When we begin to lovingly encounter all our feelings and give them space, they become our most valuable companions. They show us who we are at our core, what wants to be healed within us, where we want to let our life journey flow, which people are good for us, how much we ourselves shine, and much more.

Pent-up emotions cause our lives to stagnate and may even lead to illness at some point.
Fliessende Gefühle bringen Schwung in unser Leben, lassen uns Lebendigkeit spüren, spülen Altes weg und heissen Neues willkommen.

Sometimes life can be really exhausting, can't it? In my opinion, this happens above all when we are in resistance. Resistance to external events, but also - and foremost - resistance to internal issues. One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is to be honest with yourself. Where do I lie to myself? Where am I suppressing something unpleasant?
Focus on compassion for yourself: Forgive yourself by practising accepting yourself and everything that you are. The more acceptance you feel, the softer you become. This also includes accepting all your feelings.
And don't forget one of the most important ingredients: Joy! Don't take yourself and the world too seriously.
How cool is it that we can have this crazy experience on earth? 🙂

p.s: I'm also on a journey to live the wisdom shared above - we're in the same boat 😉


2024 Heilerkurs für alle bei Tabea Keil
2023 Vocal Coach Training at ROOTED SINGING
2019 Yoga Teacher Training (200 h)
2019 Intensive Training in Nada Yoga (3 months)
with Mukesh Kumar Arya (Rishikesh, India)
2018 Reiki I Kurs
2010 – 2013 Studies in Social Work
2007 – 2013 Singing lessons with Katrin Schatz

Musikalische Geschichte

since 2018 Solo unterwegs (Glenda Laila)- Musikalische Begleitung von Yogastunden, Singkreise, Konzerte, uvm.
2016 – 2019 Glenda & Phil – acoustic duo
2016 – 2018 Lead singer with Trade Mark band
2015 Lead singer with Peekaboo band
2008 – 2013 Aktiv in verschiedenen Schul- und Uni-Bands